The Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society is sending out invitations for the annual colloquium to be held in Berlin on 21 November 2013. In cooperation with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung it aims to assemble early stage researchers (Ph.D. candidates and post-docs) from all disciplines in order to push ahead with the discussion revolving around Internet research. The colloquium provides a stage for new perspectives on current issues of Internet and society. While the research topics of the institute are grouped more around entrepreneurship, business & innovation, governance etc., in other words a bit away from humanities or activist perspectives, this year’s call also includes a session on protest: „Slacktivism, activism and protest online. Does the internet have what it takes to be political? Online activism is a widely debated topic. It raises the question as to which degree and under what circumstances online action is an effective part of political participation. This session welcomes submissions from both theoretical and empirical perspectives on various forms of online activism and political par¬ticipation online, for example online petitions or hacktivism.“ Submission deadline is the 26 June 2013. Check the website for details.