
2024Queisner M, Eisenträger K. Surgical planning in virtual reality: a systematic review. J. Med. Imag. 2024:11(6).
2024Allmendinger S, Hemmer P, Queisner M, Sauer I, Müller L, Jakubik J, Vössing M, Kühl, N. Navigating the Synthetic Realm: Harnessing Diffusion-based Models for Laparoscopic Text-to-Image Generation. In: Shaban-Nejad, A., Michalowski, M., Bianco, S. (eds) AI for Health Equity and Fairness. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 1164. Springer, Cham.  Book chapterPDF
2023Müller L, Hemmer P, Queisner M, Sauer I, Allmendinger S, Jakubik J, Vössing M, Kühl N. Redefining the Laparoscopic Spatial Sense: AI-based Intra-and Postoperative Measurement from Stereoimages. 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-24). 2023. paperPDF
2022Queisner M, Pogorzhelskiy M, Remde C, Pratschke J, Sauer IM. VolumetricOR: A New Approach to Simulate Surgical Interventions in Virtual Reality for Training and Education. Surgical Innovation. 2022;(1):1-10.
2021Bruhn M, Friedrich K, Queisner M. Adaptive Images: Challenges for Visual Studies and Media Theory. International Journal for Digital Art History. 2021;(E1):140-53.
2021Queisner M, Bruhn M, Friedrich K, Kähny L. Adaptivität. Hildesheim, Zürich, New York: Olms Weidmann; 2021.
2021Queisner M, Bruhn M, Friedrich K. Was sind adaptive Bilder? In: Queisner M, Bruhn M, Friedrich K, Kähny L, ed. Adaptivität. Hildesheim, Zürich, New York: Olms Weidmann; 2021:11–16. chapterPDF
2021Queisner M, Bruhn M, Friedrich K, Kähny L. Szenarien adaptiver Bildgebung In: Queisner M, Bruhn M, Friedrich K, Kähny L, ed. Adaptivität. Hildesheim, Zürich, New York: Olms Weidmann; 2021:19–47. chapterPDF
2021Queisner M, Bruhn M, Friedrich K. Adaptivität – die Zukunft digitaler Bildgebung? In: Queisner M, Bruhn M, Friedrich K, Kähny L, ed. Adaptivität.Hildesheim, Zürich, New York: Olms Weidmann; 2021:85–90. chapterPDF
2020Queisner M. XR in der Chirurgie. Spatial und embodied computing in der digitalen Chirurgie: Funktionsweise, Anwendungsfelder, Darstellungsprinzipien.[PhD thesis]. Berlin: Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin; 2020.
2020Queisner M, Friedrich K, Bruhn M. Adaptive images: Practices and aesthetics of situative digital imaging. NECSUS_European Journal of Media Studies. #Method, 2020;9(2):51-76.
2019Sauer IM, Queisner M, Pogorzhelskiy M, Pratschke J. Operieren im digitalen Raum – Mixed Reality in der Chirurgie. In: Böttinger E, Putlitz Jz, ed. Die Zukunft der Medizin Disruptive Innovationen revolutionieren Medizin und Gesundheit. [The Future of Medicine. Disruptive innovations transform healthcare in the 21st Century.] Berlin: Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft; 2019:71-83.Book chapterPDF
2019Queisner M, Pogorzhelskiy M, Remde C, Tang P, Moosburner S, Sauer IM. Volumetric Operating Room – Virtual Reality Concept for Surgical Training. 2019.VideoLink
2019Queisner M, Pogorzhelskiy M, Remde C, Tang P, Moosburner S, Sauer IM. Adaptive Anatomy – Design Principles for Medical Mixed Reality. Published 2019.VideoLink
2018Queisner M, Franz N. Die Akteure verlassen die Kontrollstation. Krisenhafte Kooperationen im bildgeführten Drohnenkrieg. In: Bennke J, Seifert J, Siegler M, Terberl C, ed. Das Mitsein der Medien. Prekäre Koexistenzen von Menschen, Maschinen und Algorithmen, Paderborn: Fink 2018:27-58. chapterPDF
2018Moosburner S, Remde C, Tang P, Queisner M, Haep N, Pratschke J, Sauer IM. Real world usability analysis of two augmented reality headsets in visceral surgery. Artificial Organs. 2019;43(7):694-698. text
2018Queisner M, Walther A. Experimentierräume zur Erprobung neuer Technologien. [Interview]. 2018.Interview
2018Feiersinger L, Friedrich K, Queisner M, ed. Image – Action – Space: Situating the Screen in Visual Practice. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter; 2018. volumePDF
2018Franz N, Queisner M. The Actors Are Leaving the Control Station. The Crisis of Cooperation in Image-guided Drone Warfare. In: Feiersinger L, Friedrich K, Queisner M, ed. Image – Action – Space: Situating the Screen in Visual Practice. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter; 2018:115-132. chapterPDF
2018Queisner M, Pratschke J, Sauer IM. Response to Comment on „Mixed Reality in Visceral Surgery: Development of a Suitable Workflow and Evaluation of Intraoperative Usecases“Ann Surg. 2019;269(4):e54-e55. text
2018Queisner M, Sauer IM, Pogorzhelskyi M, Remde C. Future Operating Room. Augmented und Virtual Reality in der ChirurgieMaking Games. 2013;31(4):47-51.JournalPDF
2017Queisner M. Disrupting Screen-Based Interaction. Design Principles of Mixed Reality Displays. In: Busch C, Kassung C, Sieck J, ed. Mixed Reality. Glückstadt: Hülsbusch; 2017:133-144.Book chapterPDF
2017Queisner M. “Look to Kill.“ On the Precarious Relationship between Transparency and Opacity in Helmet Displays. In: Doll N, Bredekamp H, Schäffner W, ed. +ultra. knowledge & gestaltung. Leipzig: E. A. Seemann; 2017:294–300.Book chapterPDF
2017Sauer IM, Queisner M, Tang P, et al. Mixed Reality in Visceral Surgery: Development of a Suitable Workflow and Evaluation of Intraoperative Use-cases. Ann Surg. 2017;266(5):706-712. text
2017Queisner M. ’Looking Through a Soda Straw’: Mediated Vision in Remote WarfarePolitik, 2017;20(1):45-61.
2016Queisner M, Friedman M, Friedrich K, Stein C, ed. Conceptualizing Screen Practices: How Head-Mounted Displays Transform Action and PerceptionMedia Tropes. 2016;6(1).Edited special issuePDF
2016Queisner M. Medical Screen Operations: How Head-Mounted Displays Transform Action and Perception in Surgical PracticeMedia Tropes. 2016;6(1):30-51.JournalPDF
2016Queisner M. Der Blick als Waffe. Zum prekären Verhältnis von Transparenz und Opazität bei Helmdisplays. In: Doll N, Bredekamp H, Schäffner W, ed. +ultra. Gestaltung schafft Wissen. Leipzig: E. A. Seemann; 2016:293–299.Book chapterPDF
2016Friedrich K, Queisner M, Roethe A , ed.Image Guidance: Bedingungen bildgeführter Operation. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter; 2016. volumeLink
2016Queisner M. Drone Vision: Sehen und Handeln an der Schnittstelle von Sinnen und Sensoren. In: Ochsner B, Stock R, ed. senseAbility – Mediale Praktiken des Sehens und Hörens. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag; 2016:169-188. chapterPDF
2016Queisner M. Bildoperationen. Das Problem der Mensch-Maschine Interaktion bei bildgeführten Interventionen. In: Goppelsröder F, Sternagel J, ed. Techniken des Leibes. Weilerswist: Velbrück; 2016:77–86.Book chapterPDF
2015Queisner M. Armchair Activist. In: Behrmann C, Kaap H, ed. The Nomos of Images: Aesthetics of Resistance. 2015.Glossary articleLink
2015Queisner M, Friedrich K, Picht T, Roethe A. Im Bildlabor der Neurochirurgie. Ein interdisziplinärer, bildgeführter Fallbericht. In: Schäffner W, Bredekamp H, ed. Haare hören – Strukturen wissen – Räume agieren. Bielefeld: Transcript; 2015:31–43. chapterPDF
2014Queisner M, Friedrich K. Automated killing and mediated caring How image-guided robotic intervention redefines radiosurgical practice. In: Torrance S, Coeckelbergh M, Soraker J, Whitby B, Wynsberghe Av, ed. Machine Ethics in the Context of Medical and Care Agents. Proceedings of the 50th Anniversary Convention of the Soci­ety for the Study of Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence and the Sim­u­la­tion of Behav­iour. London. 2014.Conference proceedingsPDF
2014Queisner M. Click Social Activism? A Localisation of Political Participation After Networks. In: Apprich C, Slater JB, Iles A, Schultz OL, ed. Plants, Androids and Operators – A Post-Media Handbook. London: Mute Books; 2014:126-137.Book chapterPDF
2014Queisner M, Lukic K, Levin B, Mundy O, Herleth D, Kaplan A, Eyl F, Schultz OL.The Earth Observation Guide. 2013. [Catalogue]Catalogue
2012Engel F, Queisner M, Viola T, ed. Das bildnerische Denken: Charles S. Peirce. Berlin: Akademie Verlag; 2012. volumeLink
2012Engel F, Queisner M, Viola T. Viertheit: Peirce‘ Zeichnungen. In: Engel F, Queisner M, Viola T, ed. Das bildnerische Denken: Charles S. Peirce. Berlin: Akademie Verlag; 2012:39-50. chapterPDF
2010Queisner M, Engel F. Ich denke niemals in Worten. Zeichnungen von Charles S. Peirce. Humboldt 2010;6:3.Journal
2009Queisner M. Border Crossings. Published 2009. Border Crossings was a student project. It is part of a work about the relation between visibility and iconicity entitled „Uncertainty – On the Transparency of Pictures“.WebsiteLink
2008Queisner M. Follow Me. Published 2008. Follow me was a student project on tracking and tracing. The aim of the project was to combine technological and artistic elements in order to frame the relationship of intermediality and the archive.WebsiteLink