Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort ‘Digital Activism

Conference: Digital Activism #Now

Information Politics, Digital Culture and Global Protest Movements: „The so-called “web 2.0” of social network sites was invented as a business strategy to react to the first bust and, as revealed by the NSA scandal, it has been heavily used by the State as a platform of global surveillance. Yet, this space has also […]

Cyberactivism and the Role of Women in the Arab Uprisings

Interesting article by Courtney C. Radsch published by the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy. In „Unveiling the Revolutionaries: Cyberactivism and the Role of Women in the Arab Uprisings“ Radsch shows how women have played „a central role in the creation of a virtual public sphere online via social media and blogs, but have […]