I will give a talk at the conference Control, Stockholm, June 14-17, 2016 at the 10th European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts Conference. I co-organized the panel „Touch, Decision, Vision – Practices of Remote Control in Warfare“ together with Kathrin Friedrich and Nina Franz: Surgical interventions and military operations have become significantly depended […]
Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort ‘Drones’
Automated killing and mediated caring
Robot-based intervention in clinical contexts establishes new forms of collaboration between physicians and medical agents. In particular, image-guided robotic intervention such as radiation cancer therapy relies on cooperation between human and robotic actors. This setting comprises an epistemic and a pragmatic dilemma: if the tools and devices increasingly shape, impact and govern medical decisions and […]
Image-Guided Vision. Hybrid Forms of Agency in Real-Time Imaging
I will present a paper at the conference „Hybrid Photography. Intermedial Practices in Science and Humanities“ taking place at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Feb 21, 2015: The paper draws upon a functional shift of images from a medium of visibility and visualization towards a medium that guides operative processes. On the basis of a case […]
Vortrag von Derek Gregory: Die Kunst der Drohne
Gregory ist Peter Wall Distinguished Professor und Professor of Geography an der University of British Columbia in Vancouver und blogt sehr lesenswert auf Geographical Imaginations. Am 11. Dezember 2014 spricht er im HAU in Berlin im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe Waffenlounge über „Die Kunst der Drohne“. Aus der Ankündigung: „Drohnen werden oft als ‘seelenlose Tötungsmaschinen’ bezeichnet. Gleichzeitig nähren sie die Illusion, […]
Surgical Strikes: Die Echtzeit Kill Chain als Bildproblem
Workshop „Imaging the Drone’s Vision: A Survey of its Aesthetic Qualities“, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Jul 11, 2014 Der Vortrag thematisiert drei zentrale Bildprobleme von Drohnenoperationen: 1. Veränderungen in der medialen Anordnung: wenn das Angeschaute nicht mehr gesehen, sondern noch visualisiert wird, wenn das, was gesehen werden kann, ausschliesslich ins Bild verlagert wird und sich […]
The Earth Observation Guide
I co-organised a panel about the relation of sensors and the body at the conference “Taking Care of Things! Archives – Life-Cycles – Care” on January 15-18 in Lüneburg hosted by Oliver Lerone Schultz and Christina Kral of Post-Media Lab/Center for Digital Cultures. Together with colleagues Kristian Lukic, Boaz Levin, Owen Mundy, Daniel Herleth, Adam Kaplan, Frédéric […]