Access just announced the call for their Access Innovation Prize. The organisation, who calls itself a „movement“ (hmm…), is premised on the belief „that political participation and the realization of human rights in the 21st century is increasingly dependent on access to the internet and other forms of technology“. Access aims to connect „digital activists with those in the technology industry, academia, and government“ – which is actually something we urgently need in order make the social change through digitization more widely comprehensible. However, the prize is „a new initiative that will award 5 lots of US$20,000 to individuals, organizations or networks that have the best actionable ideas of how to use information technology to promote and enable human rights“.
From the announcement: „We are looking for communication technology initiatives from across the world, in all languages and addressing the issues that are important to you and your community. The Access Innovation Prize is designed to discover and reward ideas that demonstrate unique promise, opportunity and possibility. You can submit a near to complete project, improve an existing tool or create something totally new“. More details on the website: (via