Alle Artikel der Kategorie ‘Drones

Die Akteure verlassen die Kontrollstation

Gemeinsam mit Nina Franz habe ich habe einen Beitrag im Band Das Mitsein der Medien. Prekäre Koexistenzen von Menschen, Maschinen und Algorithmen von Johannes Bennke, Johanna Seifert, Martin Siegler, Christina Terberl veröffentlicht. Moritz Queisner, Nina Franz (2018) Die Akteure verlassen die Kontrollstation. 
Krisenhafte Kooperationen im bildgeführten Drohnenkrieg. In Bennke, Johannes; Seifert, Johanna; Siegler, Martin; Terberl, Christina […]

Talk: Kate Chandler – Drone Erans

Our current fellow Kate Chandler will give a talk at the Institute for Cultural Inquiry on 12 June, 2018, 5pm. Abstract: This talk is about errant drone aircraft. A drone sunk in 500 fathoms of water off the coast of San Diego in 1937. A fragment of a D-21 drone launched over China in 1969 returned to an […]

Conference: Remote Control

Together with my colleagues Nina Franz and Kathrin Friedrich, I organize the conference: Remote Control – Scales of Mediated Intervention International conference, June 29th and 30th 2017 Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung Sophienstrasse 22a, 10178 Berlin Central Laboratory (2nd courtyard, 2nd floor) (Please RSVP online, participation is free of charge) The two-day conference assembles […]

Talk: Co-operative Killing

Together with my colleague Nina Franz, I will give a talk on „Co-operative Killing. Controlling humans and machines in remote warfare“ at the conference Remote Control on July 30, 2017, at Humboldt University Berlin. Abstract: Today’s remotely controlled military operations are de ned as processes of “cooperation” between automated and partially autonomous technologies and the “human operator”. […]

Mediated Vision in Remote Warfare

I published a paper entitled  ’Looking Through a Soda Straw’: Mediated Vision in Remote Warfare in an issue on drones („Droner og krig“) in the Danish journal Politik edited by Kathrin Maurer and Andreas Immanuel Graae. Abstract: Image-guided military operations embed soldiers into a complex system of image production, transmission, and perception. These soldiers separate […]


Nice one: „TRNDlabs’ Pokédrone is specially designed for all Pokémon Go players. Once connected via WiFi to your phone, the Pokémon Go app uses the Pokédrone’s GPS and camera instead of the phone’s GPS and Camera. With the Pokédrone’s auto take-off & land function there is no need to worry about your drone-flying skills. The […]


Finally for consumer level: DroneGun provides a safe countermeasure against a wide range of drone models. It allows for a controlled management of drone payload such as explosives, with no damage to common drones models or surrounding environment due to the drones generally responding via a vertical controlled landing on the spot, or returning back […]

Living under drones

I will teach the seminar „Living under drones –  Szenarien und Anwendungen zur Zukunft autonomer Flugmaschinen“ together with Fréderic Eyl of The Green Eyl at Fachhochschule Potsdam, Fakultät Design, in Wintersemester 2013–14. Abstract: Drohnen sind in unserer Alltagswelt inzwischen allgegenwärtig, als Predator auf dem Kriegsfeld ebenso wie als Quadrocopter im Kinderzimmer. Aus tausenden von Kilometern […]