Alle Artikel der Kategorie ‘Event

Praxisgespräche und Ausstellung „After the Metaverse“

Herzliche Einladung zur Abschlussveranstaltung unseres Forschungsprojekts Adaptive Bilder. Am Freitag, 25.11.2022 starten wir um 15.00 Uhr mit Praxisgesprächen zum Thema Metaverse. Mehr Info unter Moritz Queisner im Gespräch mit Carolin Höfler »Entwerfen« Franziska Ritter »Theater« Thomas Schüler »Planung« Anika Meier »Kuratieren« Die Sprecherinnen referieren auf deutsch und werden online zugeschaltet. Die Teilnahme an den […]

Situation Space – How Spatial Images Define the User’s Disposition

International conference: Situation Space – How Spatial Images Define the User’s Disposition 12.–13.1.2017, Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Team: Moritz Queisner, Kathrin Friedrich and Luisa Feiersinger. The conference aims to apply theoretical and practical approaches in a discussion of the operative and narrative implications of visual practices as spatial dispositions. In order to analyse […]

Remote Control – Scales of Mediated Intervention

International conference Remote Control – Scales of Mediated Intervention 29.–30.6.2017, Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin Team: Moritz Queisner, Nina Franz and Kathrin Friedrich With Antoine Bousquet, Matthias Bruhn, Kate Chandler, Nina Franz, Luci Eldridge, Jennifer Gabrys, Carolin Höfler, Timothy Lenoir, Matteo Pasquinelli, Moritz Queisner, Isabell Schrickel, Lucy Suchman, Jutta Weber Download conference program via […]

International conference Situation Space – How Spatial Images Define the User’s Disposition

12.–13.1.2017, Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, with Kathrin Friedrich and Luisa Feiersinger. In this conference we investigated theoretical and practical approaches of the operative and narrative implications of visual practices as spatial dispositions. In order to analyse how images define and situate viewers’ action and perception, the conference discussed visual practices such as mobile […]

From Slices to Spaces – 3D printing in surgical practice

„From slices to spaces – The epistemic, aesthetic and material impact of three-dimensional visualizations and bio-models for diagnostics, planning and therapy and its impact on medical education“ was a joint research project of Humboldt University Berlin and the University of Cordoba that I initiated together with Kathrin Friedrich. In a joint research project conducted in […]

Screen Operations. Conditions of Screen-based Interaction

International conference Screen Operations. Conditions of Screen-based Interaction The workshop investigated the relationship of screen and operation in visual culture, interaction and architectural design, computer history, medicine and warfare. We discussed the aesthetic, epistemic and operational modalities of screen operations in order to trace their political, technological and historical implications. 13.–14.7.2016, Cluster of Excellence Image […]

Touch, Decision, Vision – Practices of Remote Control in Warfare

I co-organized the panel „Touch, Decision, Vision – Practices of Remote Control in Warfare“ together with Kathrin Friedrich and Nina Franz International Conference Control, 10th European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts Conference, Stockholm, 14.-17.6.2016 Abstract of the panel: Surgical interventions and military operations have become significantly depended on the separation of bodies through […]

Medical Imaging Workshop Series

This project was a two episode workshop series on medical imaging funded by the German Research Foundation. It took place at Exzellenzcluster Bild Wissen Gestaltung at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin in 2014 and 2015. The workshops analysed the epistemic and pragmatic visual settings of image-guided interventions with regard to the question how images govern medical […]

Drone Research Network Colloquium

The Drone Research Network Colloquium was an event series organized by the Drone Research Network. It assembled drone experts in round tables and workshops around various topics of drone studies. 1. Drone Research Colloquium: Measuring Drones Drones or unmanned aerial vehicles have become an omnipresent part of our daily lives, as predators on the battlefield, as […]

Labor für Neue Konsumpraxis

From 2010 to 2015 the Labor für neue Konsumpraxis (LPG) explored the dissolution between consumerism and environmentalism and developed models to connect producers and consumers in the long tail. Ausgehend von Slavoj Žižeks Konzept einer Auflösung der Differenzen zwischen Consumerism und Environmentalism untersucht das Projekt Alternativen zu einem Charity Capitalism. Die zentrale Frage ist dabei, […]