Titel: Patient-Empowerment durch immersive Krankenhauserfahrung vor Operationen oder Prozeduren (PERISKOP)Zeit: 2024–2025Budget: 70.000€Team: Dr. Zeynep Akbal, Karl Eisenträger, Dr. Max Maurer, Prof. Dr. Moritz Queisner, Christopher Remde, Christoph Rüger, Prof. Dr. Igor M. Sauer, Dr. Axel WinterPreis: Das Projekt hat den Max Rubner-Preis 2024 gewonnen. Video Abstract: via Youtube Abstract: Ziel von PERISKOP ist die Erstellung […]
Alle Artikel der Kategorie ‘Institutional’
4D Imaging
Title: 4D Imaging: From Image Theory to Imaging PracticeTime: 2023–2026Budget: 231.000€Partners: Prof. Dr. Moritz Queisner (Digital Surgery Lab), Prof. Dr. Kathrin Friedrich (Universität Bonn) Abstract: Digital images increasingly influence how people interact with each other and with their envi- ronment. Not least the current debate about the „metaverse“ draws attention to changing technological conditions that […]
Adaptive Bilder. Technik und Ästhetik situativer Bildgebung
Das Projekt „Adaptive Bilder. Technik und Ästhetik situativer Bildgebung“ untersucht die besonderen ästhetischen, technischen und operationalen Aspekte adaptiver Bildlichkeit. Es ist Teil des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms Das digitale Bild, das von einem multiperspektivischen Standpunkt aus die zentrale Rolle untersucht, die dem Bild im komplexen Prozess der Digitalisierung des Wissens zukommt. In einem deutschlandweiten Verbund soll dabei eine […]
Einstein-Schering-Zirkel Life Imaging
Der Einstein-Schering Zirkel Life Imaging untersucht in Zusammenarbeit von Medien- und Bildforschung, Lebenswissenschaften und Technikforschung die Gestaltung und Anwendung neuer bildbasierter Technologien und verknüpft sie mit Medien- und Handlungstheorien. Der Zirkel diente dazu, die Akteur*innen in der Region enger miteinander zu vernetzen und das Konzept für ein gemeinsames wissenschaftliches Langzeitvorhaben zu erarbeiten (siehe Adaptive Bilder). […]
Adaptive Imaging Group
In 2018 I co-founded the Adaptive Imaging Group. The Adaptive Imaging Group is a collective of scholars, designers and scientists, who study image-guided practices in contemporary media technology. The group’s objective is to critically define a new relationship between imaging, interaction and intervention. Project website: http://adaptiveimaging.org Members: Dr. Moritz Queisner, Dr. Kathrin Friedrich, Prof. Dr. […]
From Slices to Spaces – 3D printing in surgical practice
„From slices to spaces – The epistemic, aesthetic and material impact of three-dimensional visualizations and bio-models for diagnostics, planning and therapy and its impact on medical education“ was a joint research project of Humboldt University Berlin and the University of Cordoba that I initiated together with Kathrin Friedrich. In a joint research project conducted in […]
Drone Research Network
Together with Nina Franz, Ulrike Franke, Arthur Michel and Dan Gettinger I co-founded the Drone Research Network in 2016. The [Drone Research Network] is an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas and projects relating to the study of drones. An international community of experts, the Network facilitates communication and collaboration among drone researchers. The […]
Project Image Guidance in Surgery
From 2013–2018 I was part of the research team of the project Image Guidance. Image Guidance was an image-critical research project that, on the basis of medical practice and under the conditions of clinical interventions, developed proposals for the design of therapeutic processes and applications. It was situated at the Cluster of Excellence »Image Knowledge […]
Labor für Neue Konsumpraxis
From 2010 to 2015 the Labor für neue Konsumpraxis (LPG) explored the dissolution between consumerism and environmentalism and developed models to connect producers and consumers in the long tail. Ausgehend von Slavoj Žižeks Konzept einer Auflösung der Differenzen zwischen Consumerism und Environmentalism untersucht das Projekt Alternativen zu einem Charity Capitalism. Die zentrale Frage ist dabei, […]
The Digital Peirce Archive
The Digital Peirce Archive is an image-based archiving repository of the Nachlass of the American philosopher Charles S. Peirce. It is fostered by a collaboration between the DFG cluster of excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung. An Interdisciplinary Laboratory and the project „Symbolic Articulation“ funded by the Volkswagen Foundation at Humboldt University in Berlin. t was initiated by a collaboration between the […]