Gemeinsam mit Nina Franz habe ich habe einen Beitrag im Band Das Mitsein der Medien. Prekäre Koexistenzen von Menschen, Maschinen und Algorithmen von Johannes Bennke, Johanna Seifert, Martin Siegler, Christina Terberl veröffentlicht. Moritz Queisner, Nina Franz (2018) Die Akteure verlassen die Kontrollstation. Krisenhafte Kooperationen im bildgeführten Drohnenkrieg. In Bennke, Johannes; Seifert, Johanna; Siegler, Martin; Terberl, Christina […]
Alle Artikel der Kategorie ‘My Publications’
Mixed and Augmented Reality – Why Surgeons Should Care
We just published our response „Mixed and Augmented Reality – Why Surgeons Should Care“ to the comment „Image Fusion and Mixed Reality in Abdominal Surgery“ (link) by Federico Gheza & Paolo Raimondi. In the response we clarified the terminology we developed in our paper „Mixed Reality in Visceral Surgery: Development of a Suitable Workflow and […]
Future Operating Room
Together with my colleagues Moritz Queisner, Igor Sauer, Michael Pogorzhelskyi, Christopher Remde, Peter Tang and Simon Moosburner I pusblished a paper on VR and AR in surgery in Making Games, a leading game developer journal. The paper is only available in German. Abstract. In enger Kooperation erforschen die Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin und der Exzellenzcluster »Bild Wissen […]
Look to Kill
My paper “Look to Kill. On the Precarious Relationship between Transparency and Opacity in Helmet Displays“ has been published in „+ultra. knowledge & gestaltung“ edited by Nikola Doll, Horst Bredekamp and Wolfgang Schäffner (publisher E. A. Seemann).The paper investigates the visual practice of air force pilots using transparent head-mounted displays based on a case study of […]
Mixed Reality in Visceral Surgery
I published the paper „Mixed Reality in visceral surgery – Development of a suitable workflow and evaluation of intraoperative use-cases“ in Annals of Surgery. The paper evaluates the application of a mixed reality (MR) head-mounted display (HMD) for the visualization of anatomical structures in complex visceral-surgical interventions. The project is directed by Prof. Igor Sauer […]
Design Principles of Mixed Reality Displays
I published a short working paper entiteled „Disrupting Screen-Based Interaction. Design Principles of Mixed Reality Displays“ in the proceedings of the conference „Mixed Reality“ edited by Carsten Busch, Christian Kassung and Jürgen Sieck. Abstract: Transparent display technology fundamentally challenges the concept of the screen: it turns viewing first and foremost into using. Transparent media presents users with […]
Mediated Vision in Remote Warfare
I published a paper entitled ’Looking Through a Soda Straw’: Mediated Vision in Remote Warfare in an issue on drones („Droner og krig“) in the Danish journal Politik edited by Kathrin Maurer and Andreas Immanuel Graae. Abstract: Image-guided military operations embed soldiers into a complex system of image production, transmission, and perception. These soldiers separate […]
Conceptualizing Screen Practices
Together wir my colleagues Kathrin Friedrich, Christian Stein and Michael Friedman I have edited a volume on head-mounted displays. It is published as a special issue of media tropes entiteled: Conceptualizing Screen Practices: How Head-Mounted Displays Transform Action and Perception. Media Tropes is a highly recommendable, peer-reviewed interdisciplinary eJournal devoted to the study of media […]
Der Blick als Waffe
Ich habe einen Essay mit dem Titel „Der Blick als Waffe. Zum prekären Verhältnis von Transparenz und Opazität bei Helmdisplays“ für den Ausstellungsband +ultra. gestaltung schafft wissen beigetragen. Abstract: Im Gegensatz zu opaken Bildflächen verändert sich das Gezeigte bei transparenten Bildern in Abhängigkeit vom Standpunkt des Betrachters. Auf diesem Darstellungsprinzip basieren vor allem bildschirmbasierte Praktiken, die […]
Medical Screen Operations
I published a paper about the use of head-mounted displays in surgery in an special issue on screen practices. Abstract: Based on case studies in minimally invasive surgery, the paper investigates how head-mounted displays (HMDs) transform action and perception in the operating theater. In particular, it discusses the methods and addresses the obstacles that are […]