Alle Artikel der Kategorie ‘2014

Project Image Guidance in Surgery

From 2013–2018 I was part of the research team of the project Image Guidance. Image Guidance was an image-critical research project that, on the basis of medical practice and under the conditions of clinical interventions, developed proposals for the design of therapeutic processes and applications.  It was situated at the Cluster of Excellence »Image Knowledge […]

Click Social Activism? A Localisation of Political Participation After Networks

“Click Social Activism? A Localisation of Political Participation After Networks“ is a text that reconsiders the category of space for the forms of political protest, arguing that there is a correlation between the transformation of social interaction and the current turn of the notion of „place“ through location-based media. It explores how territoriality has become […]

Medical Imaging Workshop Series

This project was a two episode workshop series on medical imaging funded by the German Research Foundation. It took place at Exzellenzcluster Bild Wissen Gestaltung at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin in 2014 and 2015. The workshops analysed the epistemic and pragmatic visual settings of image-guided interventions with regard to the question how images govern medical […]

Automated killing and mediated caring

Citation: Queisner M, Friedrich K. Automated killing and mediated caring How image-guided robotic intervention redefines radiosurgical practice. In: Torrance S, Coeckelbergh M, Soraker J, Whitby B, Wynsberghe Av, ed. Machine Ethics in the Context of Medical and Care Agents. Proceedings of the 50th Anniversary Convention of the Soci­ety for the Study of Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence and […]

Drone Research Network Colloquium

The Drone Research Network Colloquium was an event series organized by the Drone Research Network. It assembled drone experts in round tables and workshops around various topics of drone studies. 1. Drone Research Colloquium: Measuring Drones Drones or unmanned aerial vehicles have become an omnipresent part of our daily lives, as predators on the battlefield, as […]

The Earth Observation Guide

„The Earth Observation Guide“ was a speed book project that explored how the forms of spatial interaction change when weapons, cameras, sensors, servers, etc. start to actually move beyond our hands, desks and pockets. Team: Kristian Lukic, Boaz Levin, Owen Mundy, Daniel Herleth, Adam Kaplan, Frédéric Eyl, and Oliver Lerone Schultz. Abstract: Drones or unmanned aerial vehicles have become an omnipresent […]

Labor für Neue Konsumpraxis

From 2010 to 2015 the Labor für neue Konsumpraxis (LPG) explored the dissolution between consumerism and environmentalism and developed models to connect producers and consumers in the long tail. Ausgehend von Slavoj Žižeks Konzept einer Auflösung der Differenzen zwischen Consumerism und Environmentalism untersucht das Projekt Alternativen zu einem Charity Capitalism. Die zentrale Frage ist dabei, […]

The Digital Peirce Archive

The Digital Peirce Archive is an image-based archiving repository of the Nachlass of the American philosopher Charles S. Peirce.  It is fostered by a collaboration between the DFG cluster of excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung. An Interdisciplinary Laboratory and the project „Symbolic Articulation“ funded by the Volkswagen Foundation at Humboldt University in Berlin. t was initiated by a collaboration between the […]

Post Media Lab

The Post-Media Lab (PML) is a two-year project hosted by the Center for Digital Cultures at Leuphana University Lueneburg and is part of the Digital Media Centre of the Innovation-Incubator Lueneburg, a research initiative primarily funded by the European Fund for Regional Development. The PML was curated and managed by a team from Leuphana University […]

Living under Drones

„Living under drones –  Szenarien und Anwendungen zur Zukunft autonomer Flugmaschinen“ was a teaching projects conducted together with Fréderic Eyl of The Green Eyl at Fachhochschule Potsdam, Fakultät Design, in Wintersemester 2013–14. Abstract: Drohnen sind in unserer Alltagswelt inzwischen allgegenwärtig, als Predator auf dem Kriegsfeld ebenso wie als Quadrocopter im Kinderzimmer. Aus tausenden von Kilometern oder auch […]