Interesting CFP by the European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR) Get the call here: „The variety of current and emerging societal challenges underlines the demand for new concepts towards sustainable ways of living. While sustainability primarily addresses environmental issues, this symposium asks for wider (ethical) perspectives. The extensive diffusion of ICT and the embodiment of cyberspace triggered a variety of societal changes that penetrate all aspects of societal life. New, easy ways of information spreading are accompanied by increasing complexity, diversity and diminishing boundaries between the public and the private sphere as well as the social relations in-between. ICT opened up a wide range of new possibilities for the realisation of human potential, but at the same time affect society in a way that challenges the common grounds of social relations and perceptions of good living in an ethical sense.“ Chairs are Stefan Strauß (Institute of Technology Assessment, Austrian Academy of Sciences) Tomas Sigmund (Department of Systems Analysis, University of Economics, Prague) Tomas Karger (Department of Sociology, Andragogy and Cultural Anthropology, Palacky University, Olomouc). The Deadline is 15 February.