“Click Social Activism? A Localisation of Political Participation After Networks“ is a text that reconsiders the category of space for the forms of political protest, arguing that there is a correlation between the transformation of social interaction and the current turn of the notion of „place“ through location-based media. It explores how territoriality has become a kind of authorship drawing upon the idea that location-based media has transformed the concept of place. The assumption is, that the political actors of a digital society do not simply consist of virtual masses of protesting avatars, clicktivists, followers or denial of service attackers but that the development from the isolated mass media spectator to the post media networker of tactical technology extends virtual forms of social interaction to the streets. Hence, the appearance of places of the political is transformed by hybrid forms of social interaction.
- Erschienen in: „Plants, Androids and Operators – A Post-Media Handbook“ edited by Clemens Apprich, Josephine Berry Slater, Anthony Iles & Oliver Lerone Schultz.
- Citation: Queisner M. Click Social Activism? A Localisation of Political Participation After Networks. In: Apprich C, Slater JB, Iles A, Schultz OL, ed. Plants, Androids and Operators – A Post-Media Handbook. London: Mute Books; 2014:126-137.