Dear friends and colleagues, we are delighted to invite you to this year’s Si-Mposium at „Der Simulierte Mensch“ (Si-M). Following the great success in 2023, this year’s networking event will once again be held at the Amplifier Berlin on September 12th from 9 AM to 6 PM.
We have invited outstanding international speakers (Milica Radisic (Toronto), Lauriane Cabon (Basel) and Alexandre Loupy (Paris)) and look forward to exciting presentations from the world of organoids and high-end analysis technologies by the TU, Charité, and our scientific partners. The event will conclude with a poster session accompanied by wine and snacks. We are proud to announce that the Stiftung Charité sponsors this year’s event sponsors this year’s event.
Registration is free but mandatory. Abstracts can be submitted for the poster event, with some selected for short talks. Further information and the registration link can be found at the following link: