Lesenswerter Artikel von Anne Wizorek auf www.bpb.de über Aktivismus zwischen Netz und auf der Straße. Mein Punkt ist, ja immer, dass diese Kluft zunehmend verschwindet – nichtsdestotrotz gibt es schon noch genuin „digitale“ Formen des Protests: „Clicktivism und Slacktivism sind die Schlagwörter mit denen vor allem Pessimisten versuchen der Euphorie um das partizipative Potential des […]
Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort ‘Activism’
The arena of protest and the rebirth of place – a localization of political participation after networks or: how to become a 1-Click social activist
Early Stage Researchers Colloquium of Internet and society of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Berlin, Nov 21, 2013 The paper reconsiders the category of space for the forms of political protest, arguing that there is a correlation between the transformation of social interaction and the current turn of the notion […]
Cfp: colloquium – Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society
The Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society is sending out invitations for the annual colloquium to be held in Berlin on 21 November 2013. In cooperation with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung it aims to assemble early stage researchers (Ph.D. candidates and post-docs) from all disciplines in order to push ahead with the discussion revolving around Internet […]
Conference: Dealing with Crises
Founded in 2000, OURMedia is a global network with the goal of facilitating a dialogue between academics, activists, practitioners, artists, and policy experts around alternative/community/citizens’ media. It has produced a series of conferences that aims to build international bridges across typically disparate but naturally related worlds of academic research and social movements, media development cooperation […]
Sensible Politics
With Sensible Politics. The Visual Culture of Nongovernmental Activism yet another interesting work about the interdependence and influence between art and politics, between visual culture and activism has been publsihed by Meg McLagan, Yates McKee at Zonebooks. While similar projects such as Beautiful Evidence explore the visual culture of activism from the activist side, the […]
Access Innovation Prize 2012
Access just announced the call for their Access Innovation Prize. The organisation, who calls itself a „movement“ (hmm…), is premised on the belief „that political participation and the realization of human rights in the 21st century is increasingly dependent on access to the internet and other forms of technology“. Access aims to connect „digital activists […]
Alternative and Activist New Media
Leah Lievrouw (UCLA) hat gerade Alternative and Activist New Media bei polity veröffentlicht – ein Buch, das unterschiedliche Formen von Medienaktivismus in den Blick nimmt und das Feld zu ordnen versucht. Lievrouw unterscheidet 5 Praktiken von Madienaktivismus: Culture Jamming, Alternative Computing, Participatory Journalism, Mediated Mobilization und Commons Knowledge. Aus dem Ankündigungstext: the book „provides a […]
CfP: Digital Citizenship and Activism
Interesting CfP for a Special Issue of the eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government (JeDEM) Vol. 4 (1) – Digital Citizenship and Activism. From the announcement: „Nowadays, when citizens, activists and participants in social movements want to voice their opinions and negotiate their political identities they increasingly do so in hybrid media environments that are […]
Return to Tahrir und das Kernproblem politischer Aktion
Eine exzellente Ausgabe von People and Power von Elizabeth Jones über die vergangenen Monate in Kairo. Der Beitrag ist ein guter Insight in die Strukturen und Arbeitsweisen in Kairo, ganz jenseits der großen Debatten über den Impact von Social Media. Eben diese bietet hingegen der Vortrag von Ethan Zuckerman auf dem Chicago Humanities Festival und […]
What’s the hashtag for this revolution?
Am Montag, den 28.11.2011 findet im Umweltforum in Berlin ein sicherlich spannendes Barcamp mit dem leider schrecklichen Titel „How the Internet Changes our Reality“ statt. Aus dem Ankündigungstext: „From #solidarity to #occupy, we’re seeing the power of Internet-enabled political action all around us. Individuals can organize quickly, they can unify around ideas, they can find […]