Organized by Ramona A. Braun „Hands on Instruments“ brings together international scholars at the University of Cambridge to talk about instrumental practice in twentieth century science. The conference asks for the „ways in which gestures and hand movements are an important part of creative, analytical and didactic processes in science, medicine and technology, and argues […]
Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort ‘Conference’
Conference: Digital Activism #Now
Information Politics, Digital Culture and Global Protest Movements: „The so-called “web 2.0” of social network sites was invented as a business strategy to react to the first bust and, as revealed by the NSA scandal, it has been heavily used by the State as a platform of global surveillance. Yet, this space has also […]
Conf: Taking Care of Things
I will participate in a panel on the relation of sensors and the body at the conference „Taking Care of Things! Archives – Life-Cycles – Care“ on January 15-18 in Lüneburg organized by Post-Media Lab/Center for Digital Cultures and Habits of Living. From the announcement: „From the perspective of current theoretical approaches the figure of […]