I will participate in a panel on the relation of sensors and the body at the conference „Taking Care of Things! Archives – Life-Cycles – Care“ on January 15-18 in Lüneburg organized by Post-Media Lab/Center for Digital Cultures and Habits of Living. From the announcement: „From the perspective of current theoretical approaches the figure of […]
Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort ‘Post Media Lab’
reSource 002: Out of Place, Out of Time | Networks out of Hands?
Am 24.8. von 16:30 bis 18:30 findet im Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien das panel Networks out of Hands? statt. Die Veranstaltung ist Teil von reSource 002: Out of Place, Out of Time, das als Rahmenprogramm der Transmediale über die Modalitäten künstlerischer Produktion im Kontext digitaler Kultur und network economy reflektiert. Aus der Ankündigung: „Since the 1990s […]
Conference: The Community Complex
The Community Complex is a conference organised by the Post Media Lab (Uni Lüneburg) on Friday, 22 June 2012 in Berlin. It aims to explore how and if the community and the collective opens up the perspective on a fluid empire by establishing new modalities of power and governance, whose central element of political control […]