Early Stage Researchers Colloquium of Internet and society of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Berlin, Nov 21, 2013 The paper reconsiders the category of space for the forms of political protest, arguing that there is a correlation between the transformation of social interaction and the current turn of the notion […]
Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort ‘Social Media’
The Innovation of Loneliness
This video by Shimi Cohen based on Sherry Turkle’a Alone Together made me think about if it really makes sense to write an Archive / a blog (like this) which has just around 200 unique visitors monthly instead of taking the time to go out and talk to people…
Report from Unlike Us #3
Unlike Us is a loose network of artists, designers, scholars, activists and programmers who work on ‘alternatives in social media’. The goal of Unlike Us, which has been initiated by the Institute for Network Cultures (INC) is the promotion of alternative and decentralized social media software as well as the analysis of the cultural, political […]
Unlike Us #3
This weekend 22.–23.3.2013 I will attend the third Unlike Us at TrouwAmsterdam and Studio HvA / MediaLAB Amsterdam statt. The aim of Unlike Us is to establish a research network of artists, designers, scholars, activists and programmers who work on ‘alternatives in social media’. For those in Berlin: the Heinrich Böll Stiftung is hosting another interesting […]
Unlike Us Reader
The new Unlike Us Reader „Social Media Monopolies and Their Alternatives“ brings a fresh and critical view upon the „social“ of media. A good read in the vast field of publications about social media that mainly focus on self-promotion, marketing and business trends. Frome the announcement: „How can we understand the social media we use […]
For Your Eyes Only
„Privacy & Social Networks“-Konferenzen haben offenbar zurzeit Konjunktur: foryoureyesonly von EMSOC und SPION (zwei interdisziplinäre Forschungsprojekte, die von der Flemish Agency for Innovation (IWT) finanziert werden), ist nennenswert, weil sie ebenso nach dem Empowerment fragt, wie nach einer Kritik von Social Media. Aus dem Ankündigungstext: „Online Social Networks are sites in which the boundaries between […]
Social Media meets Development!
Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) richtet gemeinsam mit dem BMZ am 14. und 15. November 2012 die Tagung „Social Media meets Development“ aus. Das klingt vielversprechend, denn die sogenannten „sozialen“ Medien, also Medien, die erst durch ihren Gebrauch entstehen, haben für die deutsche Medienentwicklungszusammenarbeit bisher kaum eine Priorität dargestellt. Dieses Potential scheint jetzt […]
Social Media in Development Communication
The Centre for Communication and Glocal Change „Ørecomm“ has published the anthology Social Media in Development Communication (pdf, 3 MB), edited by Ricky Storm Braskov. you can download the E-Book PDF on their site. Ørecomm is an inter-university consortium between Malmö University (MAH) in Sweden and Roskilde University (RUC) in Denmark. The volume „brings together […]
Sight is a short futuristic and dark vision on the future of Augemented Vision. It is the graduation project of Eran May-raz and Daniel Lazo from Bezaleal academy of arts. Besides most other utopian ideas on augmented vision the additional layer of iconicity directly covers the eye through contact lenses.
Unlike Us Reader
Unlike Us aims to establish a research network of artists, designers, scholars, activists and programmers who work on ‘alternatives in social media’ and has just released its latest Call for contributions for the upcoming Institute of Network Cultures reader. The INC reader series are derived from conference contributions and produced by the Institute of Network […]