
From Slices to Spaces

Am Freitag, den 3.11.2017 spreche ich auf einem Panel zum Thema „Denken in Modellen“. Die Veranstaltung ist Teil der Salon-Serie Performing Encounters, die von Yvonne Reiners veranstaltet wird. Abstract: „Das Denken in Modellen betreiben Designer*innen, Szenograf*innen und Künstler*innen, aber auch Kurator*innen im Planungsprozess. Die Modelle werden, wenn es “große” Entwürfe, etwa von Architekt*innen sind, öffentlich […]

Mixed Reality in Visceral Surgery

I published the paper „Mixed Reality in vis­ce­ral sur­ge­ry – Development of a sui­ta­ble work­flow and eva­lua­ti­on of in­tra­ope­ra­ti­ve use-cases“ in Annals of Surgery. The pa­per eva­lua­tes the ap­p­li­ca­ti­on of a mi­xed rea­li­ty (MR) head-mounted dis­play (HMD) for the vi­sua­li­za­ti­on of ana­to­mi­c­al struc­tures in com­plex visceral-surgical in­ter­ven­ti­ons. The project is directed by Prof. Igor Sauer […]

Design Principles of Mixed Reality Displays

I published a short working paper entiteled „Disrupting Screen-Based Interaction. Design Principles of Mixed Reality Displays“ in the proceedings of the conference „Mixed Reality“ edited by Carsten Busch, Christian Kassung and Jürgen Sieck. Abstract: Transparent display technology fundamentally challenges the concept of the screen: it turns viewing first and foremost into using. Transparent media presents users with […]

Forthcoming: Mixed Reality in Visceral Surgery

Annals of Surgery accepted our manuscript „Mixed Reality in visceral surgery – Development of a suitable workflow and evaluation of intraoperative use-cases“ for publication. The paper evaluates the application of a mixed reality (MR) head-mounted display (HMD) for the visualization of anatomical structures in complex visceral-surgical interventions. Authors are I.M. Sauer, M. Queisner, P. Tang, S. Moosburner, […]

Conference: Remote Control

Together with my colleagues Nina Franz and Kathrin Friedrich, I organize the conference: Remote Control – Scales of Mediated Intervention International conference, June 29th and 30th 2017 Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung Sophienstrasse 22a, 10178 Berlin Central Laboratory (2nd courtyard, 2nd floor) (Please RSVP online, participation is free of charge) The two-day conference assembles […]

Conference Culture and Computer Science

I will present the paper „Disrupting Screen-Based Interaction – Design Principles of Mixed Reality Displays“ at the Conference Culture and Computer Science taking place at May 18-19, 2017 at Bode-Museum, Berlin. The 15th edition of the ”Culture and Computer Science“ conference series focuses on best practice examples, challenges and future trends of mixed reality as a strategy to bring […]

Charité BIH Entrepreneurship Summit

I will be a discussant at the the Charité BIH Entrepreneurship Summit taking place at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities on May 8 – 9, 2017. The summit is a preeminent international cross-disciplinary forum for sharing and exploring the most important discoveries and emerging trends influencing the future of healthcare around the world. […]

CONF: The Power of Activist Videos

12 May 13 May 2017,  ICI Berlin Christinenstr. 18/19, Haus 8 10119 Berlin — Web videos play a crucial role in the political protests that mobilize today‘s civil society. Spread and shared across social media, they draw attention to a variety of issues, serve as evidence and, ultimately, as a call to action. In the […]

Mediated Vision in Remote Warfare

I published a paper entitled  ’Looking Through a Soda Straw’: Mediated Vision in Remote Warfare in an issue on drones („Droner og krig“) in the Danish journal Politik edited by Kathrin Maurer and Andreas Immanuel Graae. Abstract: Image-guided military operations embed soldiers into a complex system of image production, transmission, and perception. These soldiers separate […]

Conference Situation Space

Together with my colleagues Luisa Feiersinger and Kathrin Friedrich I will host the conference Situation Space – How Spatial Images Define the User’s Disposition. International conference, January 12th and 13th 2017 Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung Sophienstrasse 22a, 10178 Berlin, Central Laboratory (2nd courtyard, 2nd floor) Download the full program with abstracts (PDF) Download […]