Unlike Us Reader

Unlike Us aims to establish a research network of artists, designers, scholars, activists and programmers who work on ‘alternatives in social media’ and has just released its latest Call for contributions for the upcoming Institute of Network Cultures reader. The INC reader series are derived from conference contributions and produced by the Institute of Network Cultures in Amsterdam. They are available (for free) in print and pdf form (link). The reader aims to bundle „actual theories about the economic and cultural aspects of dominant social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, and the development of alternative, decentralized social media software“:

Unlike Us Reader: Understanding Social Media Monopolies and their Alternatives

Following the success of the previous INC readers we would like to propose to put together a reader with key texts (see under below for possible topics). Anthology (print, pdf, epub) produced by the Institute of Network Cultures in collaboration with the Unlike Us research network. Following the second Unlike Us conference in Amsterdam, the Institute of Network Cultures is devoted to produce a reader that bundles actual theories about the economic and cultural aspects of dominant social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, and the development of alternative, decentralized social media software.

Critical Twitter Studies // Artistic Responses to Social Media // Genealogies of Social Networking Sites // Biopolitics // Exploitation of Immaterial Labour // Social Media Activism and the Critique of Liberation Technology // Social What? Defining the Social // Software Matters: Sociotechnical and Algorithmic Cultures // The Private in the Public // Showcasing Alternatives in Social Media // Pitfalls of Building Alternatives

Internet, visual culture and media scholars, researchers, artists, curators, producers, lawyers, engineers, open-source and open-content advocates, activists, Unlike Us conference participants, and others to submit materials and proposals.

DEADLINE: August 20, 2012

SEND CONTRITBUTIONS: miriam[at]networkcultures[dot]org (Miriam Rasch)

(Bild: Screenshot taken from the unlike us website)

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