We published a review on surgical planning in VR in the Journal of Medical Imaging SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics. In the systematic review, we examine how virtual reality (VR) is transforming surgical planning. With VR, physicians can assess patient-specific image data in 3D, enhancing surgical decision-making and spatial localization of pathologies. […]
Alle Artikel der Kategorie ‘Text’
Der Band „Adaptivität“ erscheint als erster Band der Schriftenreihe Begriffe des digitalen Bildes. Der Band skizziert anhand konkreter Fallbeispiele eine neue Art von Bildern und soll deutlich machen, wo und in welchem Umfang ‚adaptive Bilder‘ bereits in unseren technisierten Alltag und unsere Arbeitswelt eingedrungen sind. Abstract: Das digitale Bild wird adaptiv: In portablen Medien und interaktiven […]
Adaptive Images: Challenges for Visual Studies and Media Theory
Together with Matthias Bruhn and Kathrin Friedrich, I published an article on adaptive images in the International Journal for Digital Art History (dahj.org). It is part of a special issue on the digital image, which was edited by Hubertus Kohle and Hubert Locher who lead your joint transdisciplinary research cluster „The Digital Image“ (DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm „Das […]
Szenarien adaptiver Bildgebung
Szenarien adaptiver Bildgebung is an illustration project that we developed together with the illustrator Josephine Rais. It focused on the concepts of mixed reality and the metaverse that currently shape the public debate with the goal to describe common caracteristics of what those images look like and how they shape action and perception. You can […]
Adaptive images: Practices and aesthetics of situative digital imaging
Together with Kathrin Friedrich (University of Potsdam) and Matthias Bruhn (Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design) I published the paper „Adaptive images: Practices and aesthetics of situative digital imaging“ in NECSUS European Journal of Media Studies. The paper is our take on a new type of digital images that continuously adapt to time and space. Citation: Friedrich, Kathrin; […]
XR in der Chirurgie. Spatial und embodied computing in der digitalen Chirurgie: Funktionsweise, Anwendungsfelder, Darstellungsprinzipien
XR in der Chirurgie. Spatial und embodied computing in der digitalen Chirurgie: Funktionsweise, Anwendungsfelder, Darstellungsprinzipien was my PhD thesis that I defended in 2020 at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. It was supervised by Prof. Dr Igor Sauer and Prof. Dr. Johann Pratschke at the department of surgery Citation: Queisner M. XR in der Chirurgie. Spatial und […]
Operieren im digitalen Raum – Mixed Reality in der Chirurgie
Das Buchkapitel „Operieren im digitalen Raum – Mixed Reality in der Chirurgie“ ist im Band „Die Zukunft der Medizin“ (herausgegeben von Erwin Böttinger, Jasper zu Putlitz) erschienen. In Zusammenarbeit mit Igor Maximilian Sauer, Michael Pogorzhelskiy, Johann Pratschke. Citation: Igor Maximilian Sauer, Moritz Queisner, Michael Pogorzhelskiy, Johann Pratschke (forthcoming 2019) Operieren im digitalen Raum – Mixed Reality […]
Image – Action – Space: Situating the Screen in Visual Practice
Edited Volume Feiersinger L, Friedrich K, Queisner M, ed. Image – Action – Space: Situating the Screen in Visual Practice. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter; 2018. doi.org/10.1515/9783110464979. More info via DeGruyter Verlag Download the book as PDF (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) With contributions from Aud Sissel Hoel, Erkki Huhtamo, Tristan Thielmann, Jan Distelmeyer, Luisa Feiersinger, Lasse Scherffig, […]
VolumetricOR: A New Approach to Simulate Surgical Interventions in Virtual Reality for Training and Education
Volumetric OR is an interactive virtual reality concept that transforms how physicians record and learn about surgical interventions. It’s a VR app that transforms how physicians learn about surgical interventions. Volumetric OR presents a new approach to fostering the complex interaction between, and collaboration by, surgical health professions – surgeons, anaesthesiologists and surgical assistants. Situated in […]
Adaptive Anatomy
Adaptive Anatomy is a new approach to image display in the operating room using mixed reality Project website: http://adaptiveimaging.org/adaptive-anatomy With the improved capability of sensor and display technologies, medical screens have become mobile, touch-sensitive, flexible and, most recently, transparent. The introduction of transparent displays has the potential to fundamentally change the concepts of intra-operative imaging […]