Image-Guided Vision. Hybrid Forms of Agency in Real-Time Imaging

I will present a paper at the conference „Hybrid Photography. Intermedial Practices in Science and Humanities“ taking place at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Feb 21, 2015:

The paper draws upon a functional shift of images from a medium of visibility and visualization towards a medium that guides operative processes. On the basis of a case study about the visual architecture and navigation of the MQ-9 Reaper drone  it will discuss how real-time video technology and the mobilization of camera technology in remote warfare have produced a type of intervention, in which interaction is increasingly shaped and organized by imaging technology. This form of iconic practice corresponds to a hybrid concept of agency, in which the stabile, subject-centred realm of rep­re­sen­ta­tion that belonged to clas­si­cal aes­thet­ics of per­cep­tion, is replaced by a cooperation between humans and machines.

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